Nick Crook’s story starts like a lot of others—with The Beatles. From ages 12 to 14, they were more than just a band for him; they were an obsession, a crash course in songwriting and melody. "If I Fell" was the track that made him pick up a guitar for the first time, and from there, the journey began. Throw in the smooth soul of Marvin Gaye and Smokey Robinson, and the early contours of his sound started to take shape.

Born and raised in Texas, Crook cut his teeth playing anywhere that’d let him—open mics, dive bars, cafes, you name it. But it was a four-year stretch in Hawaii that helped him hone his skills and start writing his own music. By 2013, after high school, he moved to San Diego with nothing but his guitar and a hunger to be heard. He played wherever and whenever he could, letting his sound evolve with each gig—blending the reggae rhythms of Bob Marley, the introspective edge of John Mayer, the grit of Kendrick Lamar, and the twang of Hank Williams.

But now, he’s taken his craft to the next level, setting up shop in Nashville. It’s the perfect backdrop for an artist like Crook—a city that respects its musical roots but is always pushing forward. His sound? It’s unmistakably his own, built on years of sweat, long nights, and a reverence for the music that first got him hooked. Crook isn’t just another guy with a guitar—he’s someone who makes you listen, and when you do, you realize there’s a lot more going on than meets the ear.

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