Nashville Country Musician Nick Crook

Nick Crook

His ears singled out The Beatles as his primary auditory nourishment during his early years. From ages 12 to 14, Crook almost exclusively listened to the greatest band of all-time. Supplemented by Motown soul singers like Marvin Gaye and Smokey Robinson, the early seeds of a later sound began to form.

The Beatles classic, “If I Fell”, led Crook to put a guitar in his hands at the age of 12. While spending much of his youth in his home state of Texas, it was during an almost four year stretch in Hawaii where Crook began singing and writing his own music. After graduating from high school back in Texas in 2013, he soon moved to San Diego, prime to put his music on display for whomever was willing to listen.

The work began in earnest. Crook played anywhere he could. From open mics to cafes to bars, his music could be heard anywhere someone was willing to let him play. His sound continued to develop. All the time spent listening to the music that very first inspired him as well as others like Bob Marley, Kendrick Lamar, John Mayer and Hank Williams, listeners developed their expectation of a Nick Crook song. Every artist wants their listeners to know what they are getting, even when their favorite artist tries something new. It took time, but Crook is at that moment.

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